
Does Pacific Garden Mission Still Broadcast Unshackled?


To support this ministry financially, visit: Real people...real life stories...stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything. UNSHACKLED! the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, grips the heart with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives. Without Jesus Christ, we are all shackled by sin by our wrong choices, disobedience and selfish motives. But God is at work, and the power of Christ sets us free of our bondage. We are... UNSHACKLED!



Gospel 90.3

Program 3698 Art Armenta


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3698 Art Armenta (Substance Abuse, Stealing, Selfishness) Art grew up in a religious home, but never knew that he could have a personal relationship with Jesus. He dropped out of high school and was in and out of prison until he met Stella and started a family. But the pull of drug and alcohol addiction followed him until he lost his job and was forced to recognize that his son was destined to imitate his...


Program 3697 "The Ingrate" Thanksgiving Classic


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3697 The Ingrate Thanksgiving Classic (Thanksgiving, Pride, Gratitude) On an unsuccessful hunting trip, Ethan scoffs at his brother's faith and sense of gratitude, specifically, that anything of value comes free. But after a blizzard, a horrific road accident, and his brother's life-threatening injuries, Ethan is compelled to rethink his prideful stance and lack of gratitude. It's only when a simple farmer...


Program 3696 William Tyndale


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3696 William Tyndale (Historical Figure, Sacrifice, Martyr) Based on a true story, this William Tyndale episode is about international politics, cold-blooded betrayal, and false justice that ends in the criminal Tyndale's death. William Tyndale translated the Bible from the original Greek into English for all of England, even though the Catholic Church and even the king stood against him. This compelling...


Program 3695 Laurie Sexton (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3695 Laurie Sexton (PG) (Abuse, Shame, Hopelessness) Unwanted since birth, Laurie Sexton lived a deprived childhood filled with abuse and neglect. Everything happened in God's name in her mother's twisted version of Christianity. Not even running away got her far. Finally, more afraid of the one true God than the one that dominated her, her mother, Laurie gave her life to Christ to avoid eternal damnation....


Program 3694 Jordan Northrup Part 2


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3694 Jordan Northrup Pt 2 (Alcoholism, Military, Divorce) When Jordan joined the military, he hoped it would keep him in line. But in his downtime, he was able to continue his partying and drinking with great negative consequences. He struggled to maintain relationships, his health deteriorated, and he grew to have very low self-esteem and self-worth. Jordan was a Christian and wondered why God hadn't rescued...


Program 3693 Jordan Northrup Part 1


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3693 Jordan Northrup Pt 1 (Alcoholism, Divorce, Self-esteem) Jordan was born to parents who loved the Lord and made an effort to root him and his brothers in God's love. But when his parents divorced and a move took him across the country to Maine, Jordan began to withdraw and struggled to fit in socially. His stutter didn't help give him any confidence speaking up in class. After high school, he found...


Program 3692 Michael Matthews Part 2 (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3692 Michael Matthews Pt 2 (PG) (Addiction, Drugs, Imprisonment) Upon losing their son, Michael and his wife had a wake that ended up being more of a party with drugs and alcohol. After overdosing, Michael promised God he'd give it all up if he survived but he was smoking a joint and contemplating a murder hours later. Being ratted out by an undercover cop, Michael was arrested where a Minister offered him...


Program 3691 Michael Matthews Part 1 (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3691 Michael Matthews Pt 1 (PG) (Acceptance, Occult, Drugs, Crisis) Turned over to his grandmother to raise, Michael and his sister rarely socialized and found themselves the outcasts. His great aunt Alma was involved in witchcraft and the kids were drawn into the dark arts seeking protection and revenge. Michael's seances became popular on the party scene and by dealing drugs he was able to quit his real...


Program 3690 The "Laura" Story Classic (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3690 The Laura Story Classic (PG) (Foster Care, Abuse, Suicidal, Hope) Born and spending years residing in a mental 30 institution, Laura decides to learn about her parents as soon as she turns of age. 31 Only the answers leave more questions and her with no sense of value as she 32 hears she shouldn't have been born. Passed from good to bad to terrible foster 33 homes, Laura recognizes the difference in...


Program 3689 Keith Kaynor


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3689 Keith Kaynor (Philosophy, Purposeless, Seeking) Keith's father taught him right from wrong, but he never explained why things were right. This left Keith to find out for himself. He took psychology and philosophy classes in search of the meaning of life but came up empty-handed. Then he transferred to another college. He went outside the classroom and found the lesson he'd been searching for.a true...


Program 3688 Don Gordon Classic


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3688 Don Gordon (Baseball, Violence, Drunkenness, Ministry) A gifted baseball player, Don became obsessed with the game. Don grew up street-smart in New York City, but his father committed suicide, leaving his mother to care their his large family. He was awarded college scholarships to play baseball, but drinking and violence nearly expelled him. Poor pitching and anger led him in a downward spiral until he...


Program 3687 Marshall Brandon (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3687 Marshall Brandon (PG) (Violence, Abuse, Addiction, Prison) Marshall was born into a family of violence and abuse. His struggle with his mother's severe abuse affected his life as he went from street fighting to gangs and personal despair. His time in the military left him with a drug problem that he tried to hide from his wife until a caring pastor helped him find his way out of his addictions and into a...


Program 3686 "Priscilla" Classic (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3686 Priscilla Classic (PG) (Abuse, Dysfunction, Hope) Growing up in an abusive home, Priscilla sought the love and belonging she had been deprived of. When dysfunctional relationships failed, she turned to dark arts and suicide attempts before settling on drugs and alcohol to dull the pain. With a new baby, Priscilla grasped the fresh opportunity to discover what could truly transform her heart and life....


Program 3685 Chyrlle Dunne


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3685 Chyrlle Dunne (Abuse, Tragedy, Faith) Growing up on a small Canadian wheat farm, Chyrlle's farther left to find work in the city. Her family reunited and she married a neighborhood boy who turned out to be immediately abusive to her. She endured years of domestic violence and even wanted to kill herself at times. Her husband's sudden and unexpected death left her struggling with the guilt she felt over...


Program 3684 Danny Cox Pt 2


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3684 Danny Cox Pt. 2 (Prison, Disease, Marriage) After giving his life to the Lord in prison, Danny was ready to change his ways. He started volunteering with a Hospice group of inmates and couldn't wait to be back in the world with his new faith. But as he became a new creature in Christ, he didn't feel right pleading innocent to a charge he knew he was guilty of and decided to change his plea. This got him...


Program 3683 Danny Cox Pt 1 (PG)


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3683 Danny Cox Pt. 1 (Poverty, Abuse, Addiction, Prison) Danny's father was a violent alcoholic and Danny had early memories of his mother's wounds. When his dad died, his mom moved them to a housing project in Illinois where they scraped together barely enough to get by. Danny met God at a church revival and gave His life to the Lord at the age of 12. At the same time, he swore he would never be poor again....


Program 3682 "Emma" Classic


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3682 Emma Classic (Sacrifice, Abuse, Steadfastness) Growing up in a God-fearing home, Emma became caretaker for her dying mother and younger siblings. After going to college, she met a man, Will, whom she was able to experience the lighter side of life with. After marrying, she discovered his gambling and alcohol addictions were far worse than she imagined. In a drunken rage, Will hit her, and Emma had to...


Program 3681 Greg Savitt


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3681 Greg Savitt (Doubt, Jewish, Ministry, Hope) Growing up Jewish, Greg was proud and protective of his heritage and beliefs. But when they started leaving questions unanswered and Jesus started making more sense as the awaited Messiah, Greg started to question who was right. After researching and learning, Greg couldn't deny Jesus existed, but who was he? Who would he be to him? Receiving Jesus as Lord and...


Program 3680 Bernard "Bud" Rauschenberger


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3680 Bernard Bud Rauschenberger (Alcoholism, Debt, Hopelessness) As a child, Bud's family only attended church on Christmas and Easter. He watched neighbors spend as much time at church as they did at the bar, and he doubted church was a transformative place. At fourteen, he and his best friend tried to make beer at home, and though that didn't work out, he started a decades-long addiction to alcohol and...


Program 3679 Robert Reinsch


To support this ministry financially, visit: 3679 Robert Reinsch (Doubt, False Doctrine, Suffering, War) Robert's parents become concerned when he begins reading a Bible different from their own, and he questions many of their practices based solely on church traditions. Then his cousin and closest friend is killed in combat, and he struggles to understand how a loving God can allow suffering. While serving in the military, Robert is led on a journey of...


Does Pacific Garden Mission Still Broadcast Unshackled?


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